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Depósito para reservar tu espacio para uno de los programas con licencia de Cabello, Uñas, Barbería o esteticismo en el estado de Oregón.

Al comprar este artículo estás realizando tu depósito, y reservando tu espacio a uno de nuestros programas para obtener tu licencia profesional en el estado de Oregón .

Para registrarte a uno de nuestros programa de cosmetologia solo se requiere lo siguiente:

2 identificaciones


*GED /high school diploma

Al reservar tu registro se te contactará en las próximas 24-48 hrs hábiles para agendar te una cita para firmar tu contrato de estudiante y completar tu inscripción.

*requisito opcional en caso que lo tengas, no es necesario.

Deposit to reserve your space for one of the licensed programs of Hair, Nails, Barber or Aesthetics in the state of Oregon.

By buying this item you are making your deposit, and reserving your space to one of our programs to obtain your professional license in the state of Oregon.

To register for one of our cosmetology programs, only the following is required:

- 2 identifications


*GED /high school diploma

When you book your registration, you will be contacted in the next 24-48 business hours to schedule an appointment to sign your student contract and complete your registration.

*Optional requirement in case you have it, it is not necessary.

Deposit for Cosmetology Program

  • This Item is not a product to be sent out after purchase, this a deposit to save your spot in one of the profesional cosmetology programs and you need to complete your enrollment agreement in person at 8955 Pueblo Ave NE, Salem Or 97305 to be official enroll in the school.

    This payment includes Enrollment payment , Application fee and transaction fee, if you want to ovoid fees you can always come and pay in person by check or cash, or you also can pay by Zelle : Cristian Cazarez 541-908-6831

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